Adding to the many parenting blogs and websites out there, this is my interpretation of motherhood from being pregnant, to giving birth, and raising a child. This blog features my opinions and these may not work for you - they're just one perspective in this wonderful adventure called 'being a parent'.


Saturday, August 29, 2015

Another 'Mummy' blogger

Another woman becomes and mum, and therefore another "Mummy Blogger" is born! During my 15 weeks of being a first time mum, I have consulted numerous parenting blogs and websites, and I am amazed by the variety of advice and opinions out there - basically, you can probably find a website to support any parenting choice you wish to make (which isn't very helpful when you're looking for the "right" thing to do)! So in an effort to help other people out there who are similar to me, and are struggling to wade through all of the resources available on the internet, here is my very own Mummy Blog.

I'm a thirty-something, university educated, professional woman. I've been married for three years come October, and I was a crazy cat lady long before I became a mother. But I have absolutely no qualifications to tell anyone anything about parenting, children, or pregnancy. This blog is to simply share my experiences, opinions, and the variety of information that I gather.

All opinions expressed in this blog are my own, unless otherwise specified, and I'd appreciate you seeking my permission first if you want to use any of the content on this blog - email me at

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